Pastor's Bible Study
Thursdays at 7:00pm in the Family Life Center
SLY – Youth Ministry
Meets every Sunday, 6:30–8pm in the Chalfont UMC Lower Cafe
Clothing Drive
March 16 – April 30
We are hosting a FunDrive soft goods drive. Please bag clothing, towels, blankets and other linen in 20 gallon trash bags. Bring donations to the Family Life Center at the back of the church and ring the doorbell by the sign. You can also arrange to drop off items by calling the office: 215-822-2807. Thank you in advance for supporting our mission and ministry.
11 Meadowbrook Lane, Chalfont, PA 18914
Annual Egg Hunt
April 12 • 10am-12pm
All are welcome!
Annual Hoagie Sale
April 26
* Support Our Church *
Chalfont UMC benefits from you using Giant Gift Cards to pay for your groceries. For each dollar you spend at Giant, the church receives a nickel; and for each $100.00 the church receives $5.00. It will cost you nothing extra, except the time it takes to purchase one or more cards before you shop. It’s that easy! The cards can be purchased following Sunday's 9:30am worship service or by calling the office for more information.